Guidelines & assets

Researchfish brand resources

Please download the relevant brand assets from this page and follow the usage guidelines when applying our logo on your materials. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The logo in horizontal arrangement

Primary logo: PNG | SVG

Black logo: PNG | SVG

White logo: PNG | SVG

The logo in vertical arrangement

Primary logo: PNG | SVG

Black logo: PNG | SVG

White logo: PNG | SVG

Minimum clear space and size

To ensure Researchfish logo is legible, please keep the necessary clear space around it to isolate it from any other competing elements.

The minimum clear pspace is one half of the symbol height on all sides — in both horizontal and vertical arrangements.

The minimum size ensures that the impact of the logo is not compromised and it is set as follows:

The minimum width of the logo is horizontal arrangement is 40mm or 140px.

The minimum width of the logo in vertical arrangement is 25mm or 85px.

About Researchfish

Founded in 2008, Researchfish is a Cambridge, UK based software company that provides a platform to track research and evidence impact. With over £50B of tracked funding, research organisations across the globe use the Researchfish platform to track over 3.5M outcomes of over 160K research awards. Comprehensive reporting gives a broader and deeper understanding of the activities of research, showing pathways to research impact.

In 2019 Researchfish joined Interfolio, a company that provides software to help universities streamline their processes for academic hiring, review, promotion, and scholarly activity tracking.

Together Researchfish and Interfolio provide global, comprehensive researcher information systems, supporting unprecedented insights into the advancement of research and teaching.