Presentations (in order as they appeared on the agenda) and a summary of the Research on Research parallel session are now available to view and download on ShowPad. We value your feedback – help us shape the 2020 Strategy of Impact Conference by spending 5 minutes completing the survey.

- Welcome and Introduction – Sean Newell, CEO, Researchfish.
- Social and economic impacts from research in the mathematical sciences – Sir Alan Wilson, Director, Special Projects, The Alan Turing Institute — View bio
- Measuring research impact: a view from both sides of the fence – Dr Jim Smith, Director of Science, Wellcome — View bio
- Creating a greater impact: our journey from data to insights – Natacha Wilson, Founder and Director, Cambridge Insights — View bio
- The science-policy interface: delivering the UN landmark agreements – Professor Virginia Murray, Head of Global Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Health England.
Parallel sessions
1. Research on Research
What it is, how it can help the research community to understand and improve how research is funded, practiced and evaluated.
Dr Beverley Sherbon (Chair), Impact & Evaluation Adviser, Researchfish
- Panel followed by round table discussions – What is ‘Research on Research’, and what does it mean in practise? What are stakeholders aiming to achieve, and how are they approaching it? Our panel will share some of their experiences and discuss some of the different approaches and considerations. Round table discussions will then focus on what RoR means to your organisation, and what the important research questions might be.
- Dr Kathryn Oliver, Associate Professor in Sociology and Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Dr Jonathan Best, Insight Manager, Wellcome
- Dr Sarah Thomas, Senior Research Manager, National Institute for Health Research
- Dr Steve Wooding, Senior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
Special Projects:
- The value of research on research: Examples from the NIHR RoR programme focus on peer review and decision-making and optimising post-award management – Amanda Blatch-Jones, Senior Research Fellow, NIHR Evaluation Trials & Studies Coordinating Centre
- Towards outstanding research reviews (TORR): Using behavioural decision science to advance our understanding of peer-reviewers’ judgement processes – Professor Gaëlle Vallée-Tourangeau, Professor of Behavioural Science, Kingston University
- Wide angle and telephoto – taking complementary views of research – Dr Steve Wooding, Senior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
- International movement and research – Dr Susan Guthrie, Research Leader, RAND Europe
2. Analysis and Visualisation of Data
Dr Vera Hazelwood (Chair), Chief Strategy Officer, Researchfish
- Impactfish: Insights into your Researchfish data – Dr Vera Hazelwood, Chief Strategy Officer, Researchfish
- Improving engagement and impact by capturing, analysing and visualising communications data – Charlie Rapple, Co-founder, Kudos
- Advanced analytics to monitor research portfolios and to inform strategies – Francesco Massucci, Director of R&D, SIRIS Academic
- Capturing user perspectives on research impact: text mining companies’ annual reports – Dr Massimiliano Volpi, Evidence Team, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
- Understanding and informing research funding through data – Charlie Pilgrim and Leander Cascorbi, University of Warwick
3a. The Interconnectedness of All Things
How to leverage existing data to make it easier to understand the outputs, outcomes and impacts of research, including recent and future developments in Researchfish.
- Researchfish and further funding data – Gavin Reddick, Researchfish
- Unique identifiers for grants with Crossref – Josh Brown, Crossref
- Researchfish platform updates and new functionality demonstrations – Ross Pullar, Product Manager, Researchfish
- Interfolio Data Service – improving access and quality of available scholarship data – Ben Wang, Senior Vice President, Product Strategy
3b. Insights on Translational Research and Intellectual Property
- A decade of data on MRC translational research investment: Catching the updraft – Emily Gale, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council
- Extracting value from reports of intellectual property – Ben Ryan, Engineering and Physical Science Council