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Please join us for the second in our series of Canada-focused discussions focusing on research impact. For this digital roundtable we look forward to welcoming world-renowned experts to help us understand and navigate the peculiarities of impact culture in Canada.
- How does an organization or institution ensure they are focused on the need for impact?
- How can we encourage the uptake of research by the right organizations or individuals to make a difference?
- How do we align the different impact needs of funders and universities?
As research funders and research organizations look to the future, how can they best position their research to make a difference?
While this discussion will be focused on the Canadian situation there will be key takeaways for everyone interested in research impact.
All research funders and research organizations with an interest in the societal impact of research will want to join this important conversation.
About the panel
Chair: Dr Jonathan Grant
A personal interest in biomedical and health R&D policy, research impact assessment, the use of research and evidence in policy and decision-taking, Jonathan has had a diverse career as Head of Policy at Wellcome Trust, President of RAND Europe and Vice President and Vice Principal (Service) at King’s College London. He joined researchfish as a senior advisor and runs a small consultancy, Different Angles, that focuses on the social impact of universities and research.
Dr. Kathryn Graham
Kathryn is the Executive Director of Performance Management and Evaluation at Alberta Innovates, a Canadian-based publicly funded provincial research and innovation organization. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS). A co‐founder of the International School on Research Impact Assessment and was Director of the School when it was hosted in Banff in 2014. She is the Co-Director of the AESIS International course on “Integrating Societal Impact in a Research Strategy”.
She has over 25 years of strategic evaluation experience in health care, research and innovation. Her expertise is in developing performance management and impact strategies and implementing assessment frameworks for complex systems across a diversity of organizations. She and her team successfully implemented the CAHS (2009) health research impact framework and was instrumental in its application nationally and internationally. Kathryn is a social scientist, bridge builder and advisor on numerous boards and expert committees that focus on research and innovation. She is invited to present both nationally and internationally.
Eddy Nason
With over 15 years experience in developing, analyzing and evaluating research systems, Eddy Nason brings provincial, national and international expertise to his role as Director Strategic Impact & Evaluation at Genome Canada. He has advised numerous government departments on research system development and analysis, as well as providing science foresight exercises for the UK government. He is an expert in Research Impact, having authored numerous influential reports, tools and frameworks to assess impact and train others in research impact assessment. Eddy was part of a three-person expert advisory panel on evaluation, impact analysis and data capabilities for CIHR, and has advised research funders across Canada and internationally on health research strategies and ecosystem management.
Prior to working for Genome Canada, Eddy was Assistant Director at the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) and worked with a number of think-tanks in Canada and the UK. Eddy is part of the Advisory Board for the CIHR Institute Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, a lead on research impact narratives for the Canadian Health Services and Policy Research Alliance, and an advisor to the Ontario HIV Treatment Network. He has an MPhil from Cambridge University in molecular genomics and a BSc from Edinburgh University in developmental biology.
Dr. David J. Phipps
Dr. Phipps is the administrative lead for all research programs and their impacts on local and global communities at York University (Toronto, Canada). He has received honours and awards from the Canadian Association of Research Administrators, Society for Research Administration International, Institute for Knowledge Mobilization, International Network of Research Management Societies and the EU based Knowledge Economy Network.
He received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his work in knowledge mobilization and was named the most influential knowledge mobilizer in Canada. He sits on knowledge mobilization committees around the world and is Network Director for Research Impact Canada.